We're passionate about
helping you start or grow in your gifting.

A student review
A quote from a previous student.
we are on a MISSION

Many people’s experience of the prophetic has left them confused, hurt or unsure. And it's such a shame! Because prophecy is a precious gift for everyone everywhere.

So at School of Prophecy our goal is to give people a positive and gentle approach to prophecy – helping them recognise the many ways God communicates with them and through them in their everyday lives.

As people participate in the school's training experiences, our students gain confidence in their prophetic gifting and their ability to handle it wisely – in a way that brings huge blessing to others and draws them closer to God.
It breaks our hearts to think there is such a special gift that God has made available to us that many people have just been hurt by. They've been confused. They're doubtful, they're hesitant...

"We want people to know...

...how precious the gift of prophecy is and discover again, the wonder of hearing the Father speak, communicate to us that oneness, that closeness.

Hands holding a phone.
A man pointing at the School of Prophecy logo.

A bunch of ordinary people working
with our extraordinary God.

I love how it all came together

I am a techy nerd geek who loves business and the prophetic. Been around the prophetic for years and seen the good, the bad and the ugly - in and out of the church. It seemed like God was asking me to step back and take a fresh approach to it all. The School of Prophecy is the result. The amazing team who help run the School make it all possible.
Photo of David


Co-Founder and Coaching Lead

Cannot believe the journey

What a journey being in the School has been - adventures, challenges, learning afresh what it means to move in the prophetic gift and to have the support to step out and discover the love and goodness of God in new ways. To then pour that into others so that they can also experience more of His freedom and goodness is my passion and prayer.
Headshot of Joanna


Co-Founder and Community Lead

Getting stretched all the time

I did the School in 2020 and have since been amazed at how many people, myself included, have grown as they have found their place in this community. I love getting alongside people to help bring out the gift that God has given them. It is wonderful to be in a place where the Holy Spirit stretches us and things we thought were impossible are now entirely possible!
Headshot of Sally


Prayer and Special Projects Lead

Really love our times together

One of the things I love about the School of Prophecy are our times together. Even over Zoom, they are often a mixture of the seriousness of teaching together with the laughter of humour, the shedding of a tear or two or the stunned silence of hearing what God is doing and how people are being encouraged though this community.
Headshot of Stephen


Buddy System Lead

Love helping people

I was a complete beginner to prophecy when I first did the workshop. It was so unexpected to discover that this gift helps us to really see God’s heart and deepens our understanding of how much he knows and loves us. The community opened my eyes to the vibrancy and creativity of God. Now I love helping people demystify prophecy and know that is also for everyone


Internal Training Lead

Loving working with the tech

Randomly met David through a FB group for a piece of cool software called Airtable. As he shared his vision for the School of Prophecy, I was so inspired I wanted to do what I could to help. Love working on the tech side of things, helping make things happen for everyone!
Headshot of Case


Data and Automation Lead

So many creative ways

Love has to be the foundation and filter of all that we do and say.  It’s an honour and a privilege to be able to serve God’s precious people, as we journey together into the adventures He has for us.  As an artist I find it especially exciting to see how the prophetic can be heard and expressed in so many creative ways.  We can never put our wonderful Creator God into a box!


Creative Co-Ordinator

Frequently asked questions

Answers to the burning questions in your mind.

Contact us!
Tell us about the team

We're all volunteers. We are quite a mix of ages, experiences, nations and backgrounds, all bringing different perspectives. But we're all pursuing love first, which is the main thing. Especially given that some of us have had bad experiences which have needed healing.

How does the team work together?

Again, we put love first in everything. We really care for people. We're constantly growing and changing together through the training experiences. Some have been mentors for years whereas others step up in the process with the appropriate guidance and support. We have a lot of fun!

How did the school get started?

David was due to lead a prophetic workshop during one of his ministry trips just as the country went into lockdown due to Covid-19. As a result, he ran the day workshop via Zoom – and others followed suit. Those experiences birthed a vision for an fully developed online school and helped shape the workshop experiences it provides.

What is the vision for the school?

It's a big vision that everyone in the church is able to recognise all the different ways that God communicates to them and then handle that wisely. And that they pursue love in that process. It's about helping them understand that in their everyday lives.