We're passionate about
helping you start or grow in your gifting.

Many people’s experience of the prophetic has left them confused, hurt or unsure. And it's such a shame! Because prophecy is a precious gift for everyone everywhere.
As people participate in the school's training experiences, our students gain confidence in their prophetic gifting and their ability to handle it wisely – in a way that brings huge blessing to others and draws them closer to God.
"We want people to know...
...how precious the gift of prophecy is and discover again, the wonder of hearing the Father speak, communicate to us that oneness, that closeness.

A bunch of ordinary people working
with our extraordinary God.
I love how it all came together

Cannot believe the journey

Getting stretched all the time

Really love our times together

Love helping people

Loving working with the tech

So many creative ways

Frequently asked questions
Answers to the burning questions in your mind.
We're all volunteers. We are quite a mix of ages, experiences, nations and backgrounds, all bringing different perspectives. But we're all pursuing love first, which is the main thing. Especially given that some of us have had bad experiences which have needed healing.
Again, we put love first in everything. We really care for people. We're constantly growing and changing together through the training experiences. Some have been mentors for years whereas others step up in the process with the appropriate guidance and support. We have a lot of fun!
David was due to lead a prophetic workshop during one of his ministry trips just as the country went into lockdown due to Covid-19. As a result, he ran the day workshop via Zoom – and others followed suit. Those experiences birthed a vision for an fully developed online school and helped shape the workshop experiences it provides.
It's a big vision that everyone in the church is able to recognise all the different ways that God communicates to them and then handle that wisely. And that they pursue love in that process. It's about helping them understand that in their everyday lives.